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Here is an easy way to program your ESP8266 07 & 12 without soldering wires to the board itself. With this programmer jig you can easily swap out ESP boards with the convenient pogo pin breakout.
To see what comes with what kit, take a look at the description below.$15.00–$40.00 -
This custom Corgi nameplate will go great on your desk or on your dog house.
$10.00–$15.00 -
Here is an easy way to program your HM-10 & 16 module without soldering wires to the board itself. With this programmer jig you can easily swap out HM-XX boards with the convenient pogo pin breakout. This jig is 100% glueless, so you will not need to purchase anything extra.
Be sure to check out the video:
To see what comes with what kit, take a look at the description below.$25.00–$40.00$20.00–$35.00 -
Got your hands on a Kylie Cosmetics birthday edition? Use this organizer to keep it organized.
$45.00 -
Earrings to go with your best outfit. Designed by a Laser Goods subscriber.
$10.00–$15.00 -
Film is not dead, show your support for film with this well recognized camera.
$15.00–$20.00 -
Diamonds are your best friend, they don’t have to be your wallets worst enemy.
$10.00–$15.00 -
Awesome iPhone stand for those times you need something to give you a good angle.
$8.00 -